Catch-up time
Time to play a little catch-up. With school getting out it's been a little busy at my house and so blogging was put on the back burner for a bit. So I have a bunch of pictures I'd like to share.
Mark and one of his best friends, Bobby. I'm hoping for 1st grade they will be put in the same class together.
Allison and Camille practicing their duet. We got a piano a few months ago. I sat down to try to play a song and boy was I rusty. Guess it's back to the Hymns made easy book for me!
Camille knows that when you use power tools you must put saftey first.
Almost everyday Camille begs me to take her to the grocery store. A local store by us has these mini carts for kids. I just have to watch what gets put in the cart!
Allison is getting so big. She's looking less like a baby and more like a little girl.
On one of our Saturday date nights Jim got tickets to see Bill Cosby at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga. I haven't been there since I was in high school. It's changed quite a bit. Bill was quite funny. You know he's not doing this for the money, he came onto the stage dressed like he was just lounging around on a Sunday afternoon - long sleeved white t-shirt, sweats, socks, and sandals.
Nani (the kids name for Jim's mom) bought Camille a new Sunday dress. It just so happened that I had bought her a similar one about a year ago for easter, which now fits Allison. So they got to match at church on Sunday.
Now that it's summer it's time to breakout the ice cream maker. First flavors made, roasted banana with a buttermilk caramel sauce (seriously DELICIOUS!), AND a toasted coconut with toffee ice cream.
In the 3rd grade they studied all about different cultures this year. At the end of the year they get to go on a world tour and visit many of these countries. As you can see Lilliana has already been to Hawaii and is visiting Holland now. PS. if anyone offers to let you try vegimite or marmite DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT eat it.
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